Bury me deep inside your heart

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Bury me deep inside your heart's Guestbook

cariadbachMay 4, 2008

\:\) Noticed on the forums that its your birthday , so dropping by to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope its a good one\:D

aaaaaaacMay 4, 2008

Hallo Maru!\:D Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Ich liebe dich\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Ayu\;\)

Anime-HeartsMay 3, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D Sorry for the late reply - I've been v.busy studing \:wacko\: Yeah it was great! I picked up a load of anime merchandise! \:D Hugs Cass \:P

ZayuryMay 2, 2008

My dear Maru, "Zayury's Snow White", was not meant to have any more chapters. \:D I wrote it with the intention of being only one chapter, lol! Besides we don't want to interrupt Snow White and the narrator's fun with the 7 Dwarfs right?! ROFL! \:D \:D Take care my friend! \;\)

sunny33May 1, 2008

hey!thanks for commenting my screenshot. have a nice day \:\)

wickedgoddess_athena711May 1, 2008

hi maru! Just wanted to drop by to say that the last chapters of magician's hat are finally posted. I'll be honored if you check it out and tell me what yoou think. \:D

aaaaaaacApr 30, 2008

\:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P \:P

ZayuryApr 30, 2008

\:eek\: WOW! How long have I been gone?! You have your own mini-site, and you are a creator?! WOW, again! Your sets look AWESOME, and your mini-site looks FABULOUS my friend! CONGRATULATIONS!! \:rah\: \:rah\: Que fantastica sorpresa mi amiga, me da mucho gusto por ti, felicidades! Eres muy talentosa! Tus conjuntos se ven bellos! \:D Gracias mi amiga por dejar comentarios tan lindos en mis ultimas fotos! Cuidate mucho linda! \:\)

artruiApr 30, 2008

Hi! Thanks for your comment on my screenshot!\:\)

tinkerbell7716Apr 28, 2008

\:rah\: \:D thanks for commenting on my screen shot.

RIDanceApr 28, 2008

hey thanks so much for your nice comment on my screenshot! \:\) hope you're having a great week!!

MuccyApr 28, 2008

Glad you liked my screenshot *Brilliant Eyes Set coming soon Apr 22*, thanks for commenting. You have a nice Minisite, congrats\:rah\: By Muccy (It was my first attempt. Thank you, your feedback means a lot to me)

princess_ionaApr 28, 2008

hey! i agree... bill rocks! simple. i fink my fav song is ready set go, cuz it was the first one i heard, but i do also love the german version of forgotton children, Vergessene Kinder\:wub\:... good stuff!\:D u??? \:D

jabireApr 28, 2008

Hi Maru!!De nada!As pessoas da comunidade estão adorando suas criações . Boa semana .Saludos\:wub\: Maluy

ticticc13Apr 27, 2008

Hello Maru, thanks again for the screenshot comment. Yes, Enid will grow but maybe after Harb and Ash get married. XD I don't think I'm ready to grow him up just yet. lol. I still am looking for good tux ensemble for the guys on the wedding. The girls have complete lineup already. It was the boys who still need formal outfits. \:D Anyway, i hope you're having a lovely day. \:D

princess_ionaApr 27, 2008

BILL!!! all the way... love his hair!!\:wub\: Tom is a very close second tho!!!! lol... wat bout you tom or bill??? \:D \:D

brittieApr 26, 2008

You're welcome! \:rah\:

lexiann123Apr 25, 2008

Don't worry Maru! I reply LATE all the time!\;\) and I'm sorry to for this late reply! loL! Awwwwwww that sucks, no volley ball huh? Well atleat you run!!!\:D GREAT exercise! WOAH....5....times....a....WEEK??????? You sound VERY athletic! OH YAAAAAAAY! Have you been reading 'Desire Climax'? OH I KNOW! Kai is gorgeous!\:wub\: So how have you been?\:confused\: *Lex*

wickedgoddess_athena711Apr 25, 2008

Hello! Thank you for checking out the latest chapter of my sotry magican's hat. wow! You have a mini-site already (i envy you!) I love your naruto stuff(i love naruto!)! cant wait to see more creations (and stories)from you! \:D \;\)

kissme87Apr 23, 2008

You 2 \:rah\:

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